Capturing and visualizing the current view of the city opens up possibilities for a more complete understanding of the environment we live in, leading towards a participatory and sustainable planning process. The first workshop was successfully completed, and the results are fascinating. The team is currently in Lima to engage in a second mapping workshop, and is working closely with Fora Ciudades Para La Vida, and community organisations.
Barrios Altos, animation from ScanLAB Projects on Vimeo.
José Carlos Mariátegui, animation from ScanLAB projects on Vimeo.
The drone outputs were sent remotely to London from Lima, in order to be 3D printed. The aim is to create an installation suitable for community planning purposes in the two areas. The 3D outputs are converted into meshes and are then printed using a Makerbot 2 Replicator.
For information about the 3d mapping work please contact @en_topia on twitter
For information about the field work please contact Adriana Allen or Rita Lambert